Plug-in GCE IPX800V5 Jeedom Debian 11 et 12 compatible?

Bonjour, savez-vous si le plug-in GCE IPX800V5 est compatible Jeedom sous debian 11 et 12 ?

Merci de vos infos.

bonjour @trifouille

Jeedom est compatible debian 11 et oui le plug-in IPX800V5 est compatible.

1 « J'aime »

La question m’intéresse aussi. Ce qui bloque le passage à debian 12 sont principalement les plugins qui ne sont pas mis à jour et non compatible debian 12. Le plugin Ipx800 v5 est-il déjà compatible ou une mise à jour est-elle prévue ?

Merci de vos infos, j’attend encore la réponse pour la version 12 de Debian

Jeedom tourne sous Debian 11 actuellement mais n’est pas porté/validé pour Debian 12.
Jeedom peut être installé sur Debian 12 mais sans garantie ni de stabilité ni que les plugins testés sous Debian 11 fonctionneront correctement…ou pas !

Le mieux pour avoir la réponse serait d’installer une vm debian 12, d’installer jeedom dessus, d’installer le plugin IPX800V5 et tester !

J’ai fait un tuto pour ca :wink:

1 « J'aime »

Merci je vais regarder

Alors à priori, c’est KO avec debian12 - je suis en train de tester sur VMWare (merci @cce66 pour le tuto en lien!) et le demon ne se lance pas, il y a cette erreur:

Erreur sur GCE_IPX800V5::pull() : Non-static method GCE_IPX800V5::get() cannot be called statically

A confirmer tout de même, mon jeedom a fait un retour à la version lors de l’upload sur la VM de ma dernière sauvegarde !

Problème confirmé avec la dernière version 4.4.19.
L’erreur étant assez parlante, j’ai donc modifié la définition de la fonction get dans GCE_IPX800V5.class.php, en ajoutant static sur la ligne 643

	public static function get($url, $opt) {

Par contre, je n’ai aucune idée de possibles effets de bord…

il faudrait voir le code de la méthode pour savoir si c’est possiblement impactant ou non.

Bonjour @Alan328

Comme l’appel à get() se fait dans la fonction pull en utilisant un appel statique

$cache[$GCE_IPX800V5->getConfiguration(‹ ip ›)][« io »] = GCE_IPX800V5::get($urlGet, 1);
$cache[$GCE_IPX800V5->getConfiguration(‹ ip ›)][« ana »] = GCE_IPX800V5::get($urlGet, 1);

L’idée d’ajouter static semble être la bonne ! :+1:


Le code est ci-dessous si tu t’y connais en php tu peux confirmer…

GCE_IPX800V5.class.php, <?php /* SUMMARY * * Includes * Constante * Preset Tab * Preset Tab IPX * Preset Tab OBJ * Preset Tab EXT * Type Data Tab * Type Data IPX * Type Data OBJ * Pwatch * Thermostat * Counter * Type Data EXT * X4VR * X4FP * X010V * X200 * X24D * X8D * X8R * XDIMMER * XDMX * XPWM * XTHL * X400 * Type Data VAR * FUNCTIONS * Name: event * Name: pull * Name: presetCmd_IPX * Name: presetCmd_EXT * Name: clearCmd * Name: postSave * Name: getIPX * Name: get * Name: put * Command Execute * Refresh * Command Param * IO Command * Ana Command */ /* * *************************** Includes ********************************* */ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../../core/php/'; class GCE_IPX800V5 extends eqLogic { /* Preset Tab */ /* Preset Tab IPX */ const PRESET_IPX = array('R_cmd', 'R_state', 'Din_state', 'Ain', 'Oout_cmd', 'Cin_cmd', 'Cin_state'); /***/ /* Preset Tab IPX v4 */ const PRESET_IPXV4 = array('V4_R_cmd', 'V4_R_state', 'V4_Din_state', 'V4_Ain_state'); /***/ /* Preset Tab OBJ */ const PRESET_OBJ = array( 'Pwatch' => array('Ping Watchdog' , 32, 1, 0, ''), 'Thermo' => array('Thermostat' , 16, 1, 0, ''), 'Count' => array('Counter' , 64, 1, 0, '') ); /***/ /* Preset Tab EXT */ const PRESET_EXT = array( 'X4VR' => array('X4VR' , 8, 4, 0, 'Canal'), 'X4FP' => array('X4FP' , 4, 4, 1, 'Canal'), 'X010V' => array('X010V' , 4, 4, 1, 'Canal'), 'X200' => array('X200' , 2, 1, 0, ''), 'X24D' => array('X24D' , 4, 24, 0, 'R'), 'X8D' => array('X8D' , 4, 8, 0, 'R'), 'X8R' => array('X8R' , 10, 8, 0, 'R'), 'XDIMMER' => array('XDIMMER' , 6, 4, 1, 'Canal'), 'XPWM' => array('XPWM' , 2, 12, 0, 'Canal'), 'XTHL' => array('XTHL' , 16, 1, 0, ''), 'X400' => array('X400' , 4, 4, 0, 'Canal') //'XDMX' => array('XDMX' , 64, 8, 0, 'Canal') ); /***/ /* Type Data Tab */ /* Cmd_name Cmd_display Nb_Instance_Max Type SubType Obj Api Key_Name Key_Name_id Cmd_Type */ /* Type Data IPX*/ const TYPE_DATA_IPX = array( 'R_cmd' => array('Relays Command', 8, 'action', 'other', 'R', '/api/system/ipx', 'ioRelays', 'ioRelays_id', 'IO'), 'R_state' => array('Relays State', 8, 'info', 'binary', 'R', '/api/system/ipx', 'ioRelayState', 'ioRelayState_id', 'IO'), 'Din_state' => array('Digital input', 8, 'info', 'binary', "Din", '/api/system/ipx', 'ioDInput', 'ioDInput_id', 'IO'), 'Ain' => array('Analog input', 4, 'info', 'numeric', "Ain", '/api/system/ipx', 'ana_IPX_Input', 'ana_IPX_Input', 'Ana'), 'Oout_cmd' => array('Sortie Optoisolé State', 4, 'info', 'binary', "Cout", '/api/system/ipx', 'ioCollInput', 'ioCollInput_id', 'IO'), 'Cin_cmd' => array('Open collecteur Command', 4, 'action', 'other', "Cin", '/api/system/ipx', 'ioCollOutput', 'ioCollOutput_id', 'IO'), 'Cin_state' => array('Open collecteur State', 4, 'info', 'binary', "Cin", '/api/system/ipx', 'ioCollOutputState', 'ioCollOutputState_id', 'IO') ); /***/ /* Type Data IPX800 V4 */ const TYPE_DATA_IPXV4 = array( 'V4_R_cmd' => array('V4 Relay command', 8, 'action', 'other', "IPX800V4", '/api/plugin/ipx800v4', '', 'ioRelays_id', 'IO'), 'V4_R_state' => array('V4 Relay state', 8, 'info', 'binary', "IPX800V4", '/api/plugin/ipx800v4', '', 'ioRelays_id', 'IO'), 'V4_Din_state' => array('V4 Digital input', 8, 'info', 'binary', "IPX800V4", '/api/plugin/ipx800v4', '', 'ioDInput_id', 'IO'), 'V4_Ain_state' => array('V4 Analog input', 4, 'info', 'numeric', "IPX800V4", '/api/plugin/ipx800v4', '', 'anaInput_id', 'Ana') ); /***/ /* Type Data OBJ */ /* Cmd_name Cmd_display Nb_Instance_Max Type SubType Obj Api Key_Name_All Key_Name Cmd_Type Nb_Canal*/ const TYPE_DATA_OBJ = array( /* Pwatch */ 'Pwatch_cmd' => array('Ping Watchdog command', 32, 'action', 'other', "Pwatch", '/api/object/pingwd', '', 'ioInput_id', 'IO', 1), 'Pwatch_state' => array('Ping Watchdog state', 32, 'info', 'binary', "Pwatch", '/api/object/pingwd', '', 'ioFault_id', 'IO', 1), /***/ /* Thermostat */ 'Thermo_state' => array('Thermostat state', 16, 'info', 'binary', "Thermo", '/api/object/thermostat', '', 'ioOutput_id', 'IO', 1), 'Thermo_cmd' => array('Thermostat command', 16, 'action', 'other', "Thermo", '/api/object/thermostat', '', 'ioOnOff_id', 'IO', 1), 'Thermo_com' => array('Thermostat Comfort', 16, 'action', 'other', "Thermo", '/api/object/thermostat', '', 'ioComfort_id', 'IO', 1), 'Thermo_eco' => array('Thermostat Eco', 16, 'action', 'other', "Thermo", '/api/object/thermostat', '', 'ioEco_id', 'IO', 1), 'Thermo_fre' => array('Thermostat Anti Freeze', 16, 'action', 'other', "Thermo", '/api/object/thermostat', '', 'ioNoFrost_id', 'IO', 1), 'Thermo_set' => array('Thermostat Set command', 16, 'action', 'slider', "Thermo", '/api/object/thermostat', '', 'anaCurrSetPoint_id', 'Ana', 1), 'Thermo_mea' => array('Thermostat Measure', 16, 'info', 'numeric', "Thermo", '/api/object/thermostat', '', 'anaMeasure_id', 'Ana', 1), 'Thermo_fau' => array('Thermostat Fault', 16, 'info', 'binary', "Thermo", '/api/object/thermostat', '', 'ioFault_id', 'IO', 1), /***/ /* Counter */ 'Count_add' => array('Counter Plus', 64, 'action', 'other', "Count", '/api/object/counter', '', 'ioAdd_id', 'IO', 1), 'Count_sub' => array('Counter Minus', 64, 'action', 'other', "Count", '/api/object/counter', '', 'ioSub_id', 'IO', 1), 'Count_set_cmd' => array('Counter Set', 64, 'action', 'other', "Count", '/api/object/counter', '', 'ioSet_id', 'IO', 1), 'Count_reset' => array('Counter Reset', 64, 'action', 'other', "Count", '/api/object/counter', '', 'ioReset_id', 'IO', 1), 'Count_pace' => array('Counter Pace', 64, 'action', 'slider', "Count", '/api/object/counter', '', 'anaPulseValue_id', 'Ana', 1), 'Count_set_ana' => array('Counter Set Analog', 64, 'action', 'slider', "Count", '/api/object/counter', '', 'anaSetValue_id', 'Ana', 1), 'Count_ana_state' => array('Counter Analog State', 64, 'info', 'numeric', "Count", '/api/object/counter', '', 'anaOut_id', 'Ana', 1) /***/ ); /***/ /* Type Data EXT */ /* Cmd_name Cmd_display Nb_Instance_Max Type SubType Obj Api Key_Name_All Key_Name Cmd_Type Nb_Canal*/ const TYPE_DATA_EXT = array( /* X4VR */ 'X4vr_up' => array('X4vr Up command', 8, 'action', 'other', "X4VR", '/api/ebx/x4vr', '', 'ioCommandUp_id', 'IO', 4), 'X4vr_down' => array('X4vr Down command', 8, 'action', 'other', "X4VR", '/api/ebx/x4vr', '', 'ioCommandDown_id', 'IO', 4), 'X4vr_stop' => array('X4vr Stop Command', 8, 'action', 'other', "X4VR", '/api/ebx/x4vr', '', 'ioCommandStop_id', 'IO', 4), 'X4vr_B_up' => array('X4vr BSO_Up command', 8, 'action', 'other', "X4VR", '/api/ebx/x4vr', '', 'ioCommandBsoUp_id', 'IO', 4), 'X4vr_B_down' => array('X4vr BSO_Down command', 8, 'action', 'other', "X4VR", '/api/ebx/x4vr', '', 'ioCommandBsoDown_id', 'IO', 4), 'X4vr_a_cmd' => array('X4vr Ana command', 8, 'action', 'slider', "X4VR", '/api/ebx/x4vr', '', 'anaCommand_id', 'Ana', 4), 'X4vr_a_state' => array('X4vr Ana state', 8, 'info', 'numeric', "X4VR", '/api/ebx/x4vr', '', 'anaPosition_id', 'Ana', 4), /***/ /* X4FP */ 'X4fp_com' => array('X4fp Comfort command', 4, 'action', 'other', "X4FP", '/api/ebx/x4fp', 'ioAllComfort_id', 'ioComfort_id', 'IO', 4), 'X4fp_eco' => array('X4fp Eco command', 4, 'action', 'other', "X4FP", '/api/ebx/x4fp', 'ioAllEco_id', 'ioEco_id', 'IO', 4), 'X4fp_fre' => array('X4fp AntiFreeze Command', 4, 'action', 'other', "X4FP", '/api/ebx/x4fp', 'ioAllAntiFreeze_id', 'ioAntiFreeze_id', 'IO', 4), 'X4fp_com1' => array('X4fp Comfort1 command', 4, 'action', 'other', "X4FP", '/api/ebx/x4fp', 'ioAllStop_id', 'ioComfort_1_id', 'IO', 4), 'X4fp_com2' => array('X4fp Comfort2 Command', 4, 'action', 'other', "X4FP", '/api/ebx/x4fp', 'ioAllComfort_1_id', 'ioComfort_2_id', 'IO', 4), 'X4fp_stop' => array('X4fp stop command', 4, 'action', 'other', "X4FP", '/api/ebx/x4fp', 'ioAllComfort_2_id', 'ioStop_id', 'IO', 4), /***/ /* X010V */ 'X010v_on' => array('X010v on', 4, 'action', 'other', "X010V", '/api/ebx/x010v', 'ioOnAll_id', 'ioOn_id', 'IO', 4), 'X010v_a_cmd' => array('X010v Analog command', 4, 'action', 'slider', "X010V", '/api/ebx/x010v', '', 'anaCommand_id', 'Ana', 4), 'X010v_a_state' => array('X010v Analog State', 4, 'info', 'numeric', "X010V", '/api/ebx/x010v', '', 'anaLevel_id', 'Ana', 4), /***/ /* X200 */ 'X200_ph' => array('X200 PH State', 2, 'info', 'numeric', "X200", '/api/ebx/x200', '', 'anaPhVal_id', 'Ana', 1), 'X200_orp' => array('X200 ORP State', 2, 'info', 'numeric', "X200", '/api/ebx/x200', '', 'anaOrpVal_id', 'Ana', 1), /***/ /* X24D */ 'X24D_in' => array('X24D relay State', 4, 'info', 'binary', "X24D", '/api/ebx/x24d', '', 'ioInput_id', 'IO', 24), /***/ /* X8D */ 'X8D_in' => array('X8D relay State', 4, 'info', 'binary', "X8D", '/api/ebx/x8d', '', 'ioInput_id', 'IO', 8), /***/ /* X8R */ 'X8R_out_cmd' => array('X8R relay Command', 10, 'action', 'other', "X8R", '/api/ebx/x8r', '', 'ioOutput_id', 'IO', 8), 'X8R_out_state' => array('X8R relay State', 10, 'info', 'binary', "X8R", '/api/ebx/x8r', '', 'ioOutputState_id', 'IO', 8), 'X8R_long_state' => array('X8R Long push State', 10, 'info', 'binary', "X8R", '/api/ebx/x8r', '', 'ioLongPush_id', 'IO', 8), /***/ /* XDIMMER */ 'XDIMMER_on_cmd' => array('XDIMMER relay Command', 6, 'action', 'other', "XDIMMER", '/api/ebx/xdimmer', 'ioOnAll_id', 'ioOn_id', 'IO', 4), 'XDIMMER_on_state' => array('XDIMMER relay State', 6, 'info', 'binary', "XDIMMER", '/api/ebx/xdimmer', 'ioOnAll_id', 'ioOn_id', 'IO', 4), 'XDIMMER_a_cmd' => array('XDIMMER Analog Command', 6, 'action', 'slider', "XDIMMER", '/api/ebx/xdimmer', '', 'anaCommand_id', 'Ana', 4), 'XDIMMER_a_state' => array('XDIMMER Analog State', 6, 'info', 'numeric', "XDIMMER", '/api/ebx/xdimmer', '', 'anaPosition_id', 'Ana', 4), 'XDIMMER_speed' => array('XDIMMER Speed Transition', 6, 'action', 'slider', "XDIMMER", '/api/ebx/xdimmer', '', 'anaSpeedTransition_id', 'Ana', 1), /***/ /* XDMX 'XDMX_cmd' => array('XDMX Command', 64, 'action', 'slider', "XDMX", '/api/ext/xdmx', '', 'anaInputCommand_id', 'Ana', 8), 'XDMX_speed' => array('XDMX Speed Transition', 64, 'action', 'slider', "XDMX", '/api/ext/xdmx', '', 'anaSpeedTrans_id', 'Ana', 8), /***/ /* XPWM */ 'XPWM_cmd' => array('XPWM Command', 2, 'action', 'slider', "XPWM", '/api/ebx/xpwm', '', 'anaCommand_id', 'Ana', 12), 'XPWM_speed' => array('XPWM Speed Transition', 2, 'action', 'slider', "XPWM", '/api/ebx/xpwm', '', 'anaSpeedTransition_id', 'Ana', 1), /***/ /* XTHL */ 'XTHL_temp' => array('XTHL Temperature', 16, 'info', 'numeric', "XTHL", '/api/ebx/xthl', '', 'anaTemp_id', 'Ana', 1), 'XTHL_hum' => array('XTHL Humidity', 16, 'info', 'numeric', "XTHL", '/api/ebx/xthl', '', 'anaHum_id', 'Ana', 1), 'XTHL_lum' => array('XTHL Luminosite', 16, 'info', 'numeric', "XTHL", '/api/ebx/xthl', '', 'anaLum_id', 'Ana', 1), /***/ /* X400 */ 'X400_state' => array('X400 State', 4, 'info', 'numeric', "X400", '/api/ebx/x400', '', 'anaOutputVal_id', 'Ana', 4) /***/ ); /***/ /* Type Data VAR */ const TYPE_DATA_VAR = array( 'IO_cmd' => array('Analog value Command', 0, 'action', 'other', "IO", '/api/core/io', '', '', 'IO'), 'IO_state' => array('Analog value State', 0, 'info', 'binary', "IO", '/api/core/io', '', '', 'IO'), 'Ana_cmd' => array('Analog value Command', 0, 'action', 'other', "Ana", '/api/core/ana', '', '', 'Ana'), 'Ana_state' => array('Analog value State', 0, 'info', 'numeric', "Ana", '/api/core/ana', '', '', 'Ana') ); /***/ const DATA_UNITAIRE_REGEX = '/^([A-Z]+)(\d{1,3})$/'; private static $_eqLogics = null; /* FUNCTIONS */ /* * Name: event * Descr: Init value */ public static function event() { if (init('onvent') == 1) { //D'origine dans la classe $cache = array(); foreach (self::searchConfiguration('"ip":"' . init('ip') . '"', 'GCE_IPX800V5') as $GCE_IPX800V5) { if (!isset($cache[$GCE_IPX800V5->getConfiguration('ip')])) { $cache[$GCE_IPX800V5->getConfiguration('ip')] = $GCE_IPX800V5->getIPX(); } GCE_IPX800V5::pull($GCE_IPX800V5->getId(), $cache); } return; } $cmd = GCE_IPX800V5Cmd::byId(init('id')); if (!is_object($cmd) || $cmd->getEqType() != 'GCE_IPX800V5') { throw new Exception(__('Commande ID GCE_IPX800V5 inconnue, ou la commande n\'est pas de type GCE_IPX800V5 : ', __FILE__) . init('id').', Valeur: '.init('value')); } $cmd->event(init('value')); } public static function deamon_info() { $return = array(); $return['log'] = ''; $return['state'] = 'nok'; $cron = cron::byClassAndFunction('GCE_IPX800V5', 'pull'); if (is_object($cron) && $cron->running()) { $return['state'] = 'ok'; } $return['launchable'] = 'ok'; return $return; } public static function deamon_start() { self::deamon_stop(); $deamon_info = self::deamon_info(); if ($deamon_info['launchable'] != 'ok') { throw new Exception(__('Veuillez vérifier la configuration', __FILE__)); } $cron = cron::byClassAndFunction('GCE_IPX800V5', 'pull'); if (!is_object($cron)) { throw new Exception(__('Tâche cron introuvable', __FILE__)); } $cron->setDeamonSleepTime(config::byKey('api::frequency', 'GCE_IPX800V5', 1)); $cron->save(); $cron->run(); } public static function deamon_stop() { $cron = cron::byClassAndFunction('GCE_IPX800V5', 'pull'); if (!is_object($cron)) { throw new Exception(__('Tâche cron introuvable', __FILE__)); } $cron->halt(); } public static function deamon_changeAutoMode($_mode) { $cron = cron::byClassAndFunction('GCE_IPX800V5', 'pull'); if (!is_object($cron)) { throw new Exception(__('Tâche cron introuvable', __FILE__)); } $cron->setEnable($_mode); $cron->save(); } public static function cronDaily() { } /* * Name: pull * Descr: polling on Ipx */ public static function pull($_eqLogic_id = null) { if (self::$_eqLogics == null) { self::$_eqLogics = self::byType('GCE_IPX800V5',true); }else{ /*self::$_eqLogics = array(self::byId($_eqLogic_id));*/ self::$_eqLogics = self::byType('GCE_IPX800V5',true); } $cache = array(); foreach (self::$_eqLogics as $GCE_IPX800V5) { foreach($GCE_IPX800V5->getCmd('info') as $cmd){ $arg = ($cmd->getConfiguration('infoType')) ? $cmd->getConfiguration('infoType') : $cmd->getConfiguration('actionArgument'); $id = $cmd->getConfiguration('infoParameter'.$arg); if($id == ''){ continue; } switch($arg){ case 'IO': if (!isset($cache[$GCE_IPX800V5->getConfiguration('ip')]["io"])) { $urlGet = 'http://' . $GCE_IPX800V5->getConfiguration('ip') . '/api/core/io?ApiKey=' . $GCE_IPX800V5->getConfiguration('apikey'); $cache[$GCE_IPX800V5->getConfiguration('ip')]["io"] = GCE_IPX800V5::get($urlGet, 1); } foreach($cache[$GCE_IPX800V5->getConfiguration('ip')]["io"] as $io){ if ($id == $io["_id"]) { $GCE_IPX800V5->checkAndUpdateCmd($cmd, $io["on"], false); break; } } break; case 'Ana': if (!isset($cache[$GCE_IPX800V5->getConfiguration('ip')]["ana"])) { $urlGet = 'http://' . $GCE_IPX800V5->getConfiguration('ip') . '/api/core/ana?ApiKey=' . $GCE_IPX800V5->getConfiguration('apikey'); $cache[$GCE_IPX800V5->getConfiguration('ip')]["ana"] = GCE_IPX800V5::get($urlGet, 1); } foreach($cache[$GCE_IPX800V5->getConfiguration('ip')]["ana"] as $ana){ if ($id == $ana["_id"]) { $GCE_IPX800V5->checkAndUpdateCmd($cmd, $ana["value"], false); break; } } break; } } } } /***/ /* * Name: presetCmd_IPX * Descr: create or delete command from the table config */ public function presetCmd_IPX($name, $nb, $type, $subType, $action, $api, $key, $key_id, $cmdType) { if ($this->getConfiguration($name) == 1) { $urlGet = 'http://' . $this->getConfiguration('ip') . $api.'?ApiKey=' . $this->getConfiguration('apikey'); $obj = $this->get($urlGet, 0); for ($i=1; $i <= $nb; $i++) { $id = $obj[$key_id][$i - 1]; if ($id) { if ($cmdType == "IO") { $urlGet = 'http://' . $this->getConfiguration('ip') .'/api/core/io/'. $id . '?ApiKey=' . $this->getConfiguration('apikey'); } else { $urlGet = 'http://' . $this->getConfiguration('ip') .'/api/core/ana/'. $id . '?ApiKey=' . $this->getConfiguration('apikey'); } $dispName = $this->get($urlGet, 0)["name"]; $cmd = $this->getCmd(null, $name.'_'.$i); if (!is_object($cmd)) { $cmd = new GCE_IPX800V5Cmd(); } $cmd->setName(__($dispName.'_'.$i, __FILE__)); $cmd->setEqLogic_id($this->getId()); $cmd->setLogicalId($name.'_'.$i); $cmd->setConfiguration('actionArgument', $cmdType); if ($type == "action") { $cmd->setConfiguration('actionParameter'.$cmdType , $id); } else { $cmd->setConfiguration('infoType', $cmdType); $cmd->setConfiguration('infoParameter'.$cmdType , $id); } $cmd->setType($type); $cmd->setSubType($subType); $cmd->save(); } else { $cmd = $this->getCmd(null, $name.'_'.$i); if (is_object($cmd)) $cmd->remove(); } } } else { for ($i=1; $i <= $nb; $i++) { $cmd = $this->getCmd(null, $name.'_'.$i); if (is_object($cmd)) $cmd->remove(); } } } /***/ /* * Name: presetCmd_IPX * Descr: create or delete command from the table config */ public function presetCmd_IPXV4($name, $nb, $type, $subType, $action, $api, $key, $key_id, $cmdType) { for ($i=0; $i < 4; $i++) { if ($this->getConfiguration("V4".$i) == 1) { $urlGet = 'http://' . $this->getConfiguration('ip') . $api.'?ApiKey=' . $this->getConfiguration('apikey'); $obj = $this->get($urlGet, 0); if ($this->getConfiguration("V4".$i.$name) == 1) { for ($j=1; $j <= $nb; $j++) { $id = $obj[$i][$key_id][$j - 1]; if ($id) { if ($cmdType == "IO") { $urlGet = 'http://' . $this->getConfiguration('ip') .'/api/core/io/'. $id . '?ApiKey=' . $this->getConfiguration('apikey'); } else { $urlGet = 'http://' . $this->getConfiguration('ip') .'/api/core/ana/'. $id . '?ApiKey=' . $this->getConfiguration('apikey'); } $dispName = $this->get($urlGet, 0)["name"]; if ($type == "info") { $dispName .= "_state"; } $cmd = $this->getCmd(null, $name.'_'.$i.'_'.$j); if (!is_object($cmd)) { $cmd = new GCE_IPX800V5Cmd(); } $cmd->setName(__($dispName.'_'.$i.'_'.$j, __FILE__)); $cmd->setEqLogic_id($this->getId()); $cmd->setLogicalId($name.'_'.$i.'_'.$j); $cmd->setConfiguration('actionArgument', $cmdType); if ($type == "action") { $cmd->setConfiguration('actionParameter'.$cmdType , $id); } else { $cmd->setConfiguration('infoType', $cmdType); $cmd->setConfiguration('infoParameter'.$cmdType , $id); } $cmd->setType($type); $cmd->setSubType($subType); $cmd->save(); } else { $cmd = $this->getCmd(null, $name.'_'.$i.'_'.$j); if (is_object($cmd)) $cmd->remove(); } } } else { for ($j=1; $j <= $nb; $j++) { $cmd = $this->getCmd(null, $name.'_'.$i.'_'.$j); if (is_object($cmd)) $cmd->remove(); } } } else { for ($j=1; $j <= $nb; $j++) { $cmd = $this->getCmd(null, $name.'_'.$i.'_'.$j); if (is_object($cmd)) $cmd->remove(); } } } } /***/ /* * Name: presetCmd_EXT * Descr: create or delete command from the table config */ public function presetCmd_EXT($name, $nb, $type, $subType, $action, $api, $key_All, $key_id, $cmdType, $canal) { if ($this->getConfiguration($action) == 1) { $urlGet = 'http://' . $this->getConfiguration('ip') . $api.'?ApiKey=' . $this->getConfiguration('apikey'); $obj = $this->get($urlGet, 0); for ($i=0; $i < $nb; $i++) { //pour chaque instance de l'extension if ($this->getConfiguration($action . $i) == 1) { //si elle est sélectionner for ($j=0; $j < $canal; $j++) { //pour chaque canaux de l'extension if ($this->getConfiguration('Canal' . $action . $i . '_' . $j) == 1 || $canal == 1) { //si le canal est selectionné if ($canal > 1) $id = $obj[$i][$key_id][$j]; else $id = $obj[$i][$key_id]; if ($id) { if ($cmdType == "IO") { $urlGet = 'http://' . $this->getConfiguration('ip') .'/api/core/io/'. $id . '?ApiKey=' . $this->getConfiguration('apikey'); } else { $urlGet = 'http://' . $this->getConfiguration('ip') .'/api/core/ana/'. $id . '?ApiKey=' . $this->getConfiguration('apikey'); } $dispName = $this->get($urlGet, 0)["name"]; if ($type == "info") { $dispName .= "_state"; } $cmd = $this->getCmd(null, $name . $i.'_'.$j); if (!is_object($cmd)) { $cmd = new GCE_IPX800V5Cmd(); } $cmd->setName(__($dispName.'_'.$j, __FILE__)); $cmd->setEqLogic_id($this->getId()); $cmd->setLogicalId($name . $i.'_'.$j); $cmd->setType($type); $cmd->setSubType($subType); $cmd->setConfiguration('actionArgument', $cmdType); if ($type == "action") { if ($cmdType == "IO") $cmd->setConfiguration('actionTypeCmd'.$cmdType , "toggle"); $cmd->setConfiguration('actionParameter'.$cmdType , $id); } else { $cmd->setConfiguration('infoType', $cmdType); $cmd->setConfiguration('infoParameter'.$cmdType , $id); } $cmd->save(); } else { $this->clearCmd($name, $i, $j); } } else { $this->clearCmd($name, $i, $j); } } if ($this->getConfiguration('Canal' . $action . $i . '_All') == 1 && $key_All != '') { $id = $obj[$i][$key_All]; if ($id) { if ($cmdType == "IO") { $urlGet = 'http://' . $this->getConfiguration('ip') .'/api/core/io/'. $id . '?ApiKey=' . $this->getConfiguration('apikey'); } else { $urlGet = 'http://' . $this->getConfiguration('ip') .'/api/core/ana/'. $id . '?ApiKey=' . $this->getConfiguration('apikey'); } $dispName = $this->get($urlGet, 0)["name"]; if ($type == "info") { $dispName .= "_state"; } $cmd = $this->getCmd(null, $name . $i.'_All'); if (!is_object($cmd)) { $cmd = new GCE_IPX800V5Cmd(); } $cmd->setName(__($dispName.'_All', __FILE__)); $cmd->setEqLogic_id($this->getId()); $cmd->setLogicalId($name . $i.'_All'); $cmd->setType($type); $cmd->setSubType($subType); $cmd->setConfiguration('actionArgument', $cmdType); if ($type == "action") { if ($cmdType == "IO") $cmd->setConfiguration('actionTypeCmd'.$cmdType , "toggle"); $cmd->setConfiguration('actionParameter'.$cmdType , $id); } else { $cmd->setConfiguration('infoType', $cmdType); $cmd->setConfiguration('infoParameter'.$cmdType , $id); } $cmd->save(); } else { $this->clearCmd($name, $i, -2); } } else { $this->clearCmd($name, $i, -2); } } else { for ($j=0; $j < $canal; $j++) { $this->clearCmd($name, $i, $j); } $this->clearCmd($name, $i, -2); } } } else { for ($i=0; $i < $nb; $i++) { for ($j=0; $j < $canal; $j++) { $this->clearCmd($name, $i, $j); } $this->clearCmd($name, $i, -2); } } } /***/ /* * Name: clearCmd * Descr: delete command */ public function clearCmd($name, $nb, $canal) { if ($canal >= 0) { $cmd = $this->getCmd(null, $name. $nb .'_'.$canal); if (is_object($cmd)) $cmd->remove(); } else if ($canal == -2){ $cmd = $this->getCmd(null, $name. $nb .'_All'); if (is_object($cmd)) $cmd->remove(); } else { $cmd = $this->getCmd(null, $name.'_'.$nb); if (is_object($cmd)) $cmd->remove(); } } /***/ /* * Name: postSave * Descr: launch the presetCmd functions */ public function postSave() { $refresh = $this->getCmd(null, 'refresh'); if (!is_object($refresh)) { $refresh = new GCE_IPX800V5Cmd(); } $refresh->setName(__('Rafraîchir', __FILE__)); $refresh->setEqLogic_id($this->getId()); $refresh->setLogicalId('refresh'); $refresh->setType('action'); $refresh->setSubType('other'); $refresh->save(); foreach (GCE_IPX800V5::TYPE_DATA_IPX as $key => $value) { $this->presetCmd_IPX($key, $value[1], $value[2], $value[3], $value[4], $value[5], $value[6], $value[7], $value[8]); } foreach (GCE_IPX800V5::TYPE_DATA_IPXV4 as $key => $value) { $this->presetCmd_IPXV4($key, $value[1], $value[2], $value[3], $value[4], $value[5], $value[6], $value[7], $value[8]); } foreach (GCE_IPX800V5::TYPE_DATA_EXT as $key => $value) { $this->presetCmd_EXT($key, $value[1], $value[2], $value[3], $value[4], $value[5], $value[6], $value[7], $value[8], $value[9]); } foreach (GCE_IPX800V5::TYPE_DATA_OBJ as $key => $value) { $this->presetCmd_EXT($key, $value[1], $value[2], $value[3], $value[4], $value[5], $value[6], $value[7], $value[8], $value[9]); } } /***/ /* * Name: getIPX * Descr: get on api system ipx */ public function getIPX($opt = null) { $return = array(); $url = 'http://' . $this->getConfiguration('ip') . '/api/system/ipx?ApiKey=' . $this->getConfiguration('apikey'); if ($opt != 1) $url .= '&option=filter_id'; $request_http = new com_http($url); try { $return = array_merge($return, is_json($request_http->exec(), array())); } catch (Exception $e) {} return $return; } /***/ /* * Name: get * Descr: get on url * Arg: opt = 1 set the query option=filter_id */ public function get($url, $opt) { $return = array(); if ($opt != 1) $url .= '&option=filter_id'; $request_http = new com_http($url); try { $return = array_merge($return, is_json($request_http->exec(), array())); } catch (Exception $e) {} //log::add('GCE_IPX800V5', 'debug', $url . ' GET : ' . json_encode($return)); return $return; } /***/ /* * Name: put * Descr: put on url with body = data */ public function put($url, $data) { $curl = curl_init($url); $headers = array( "X-CSRFToken:". $csrfToken, "Referer: http://".$this->getConfiguration('ip'), "Content-Type: application/json" ); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST , "PUT"); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION , CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_1); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data); $resp = curl_exec($curl); curl_close($curl); //log::add('GCE_IPX800V5', 'debug', $url . ' PUT : ' . json_encode($resp)); return $resp; } /***/ } class GCE_IPX800V5Cmd extends cmd { /* Command Execute */ public function execute($_options = array()) { $eqLogic = $this->getEqLogic(); /* Refresh */ if ($this->getLogicalId() == 'refresh') { GCE_IPX800V5::pull($this->getEqLogic_Id()); return; } /***/ /* Command Param */ $act = $this->getConfiguration('actionArgument'); $id = $this->getConfiguration('actionParameter'.$act); $subType = $this->getSubType(); /***/ /* IO Command */ if ($act == "IO") { //si c est un IO Cmd $actCmd = $this->getConfiguration('actionTypeCmd'.$act); $req; switch ($actCmd) { case 'toggle': $req = json_encode(array('toggle' => true)); break; case 'setOn': $req = json_encode(array('on' => true)); break; case 'setOff': $req = json_encode(array('on' => false)); break; } $urlPut = 'http://' . $eqLogic->getConfiguration('ip') . '/api/core/io/'.$id.'?ApiKey=' . $eqLogic->getConfiguration('apikey'); $request_http = $eqLogic->put($urlPut, $req); return; } /***/ /* Ana Command */ if ($act == "Ana") { //si c est un ana Cmd $urlPut = 'http://' . $eqLogic->getConfiguration('ip') . '/api/core/ana/'.$id.'?ApiKey=' . $eqLogic->getConfiguration('apikey'); /* BODY Ana Command */ if ($subType == "other") { $body = json_encode(array('value' => intval($this->getConfiguration('actionOption'.$act)))); } else if ($subType == "slider") { $body = json_encode(array('value' => intval($_options["slider"]))); } /***/ $request_http = $eqLogic->put($urlPut, $body); return; } /***/ GCE_IPX800V5::pull($this->getEqLogic_Id()); usleep(10000); } /* * **********************Getteur Setteur*************************** */ } ?>