Bonjour, savez-vous si le plug-in GCE IPX800V5 est compatible Jeedom sous debian 11 et 12 ?
Merci de vos infos.
Novembre 5, 2024, 12:09
bonjour @trifouille
Jeedom est compatible debian 11 et oui le plug-in IPX800V5 est compatible.
1 « J'aime »
La question m’intéresse aussi. Ce qui bloque le passage à debian 12 sont principalement les plugins qui ne sont pas mis à jour et non compatible debian 12. Le plugin Ipx800 v5 est-il déjà compatible ou une mise à jour est-elle prévue ?
Merci de vos infos, j’attend encore la réponse pour la version 12 de Debian
Novembre 6, 2024, 1:35
Jeedom tourne sous Debian 11 actuellement mais n’est pas porté/validé pour Debian 12.
Jeedom peut être installé sur Debian 12 mais sans garantie ni de stabilité ni que les plugins testés sous Debian 11 fonctionneront correctement…ou pas !
Le mieux pour avoir la réponse serait d’installer une vm debian 12, d’installer jeedom dessus, d’installer le plugin IPX800V5 et tester !
J’ai fait un tuto pour ca
Voici la marche à suivre pour télécharger VMware Workstation Pro depuis le rachat par Broadcom :
Rendez-vous sur le site de Broadcom Registration et créez un compte gratuit.
Une fois inscrit et connecté, suivez le lien direct vers la page de téléchargement de VMware Workstation Pro Please select your identity provider. - Support Portal ).
Sélectionnez la version correspondant à votre système d’exploitation : Windows ou Linux. Par exemple, si vous êtes sous Windows, cliquez sur VMware Workstatio…
1 « J'aime »
Alors à priori, c’est KO avec debian12 - je suis en train de tester sur VMWare (merci @cce66 pour le tuto en lien!) et le demon ne se lance pas, il y a cette erreur:
Erreur sur GCE_IPX800V5::pull() : Non-static method GCE_IPX800V5::get() cannot be called statically
A confirmer tout de même, mon jeedom a fait un retour à la version lors de l’upload sur la VM de ma dernière sauvegarde !
Problème confirmé avec la dernière version 4.4.19.
L’erreur étant assez parlante, j’ai donc modifié la définition de la fonction get dans GCE_IPX800V5.class.php, en ajoutant static sur la ligne 643
public static function get($url, $opt) {
Par contre, je n’ai aucune idée de possibles effets de bord…
il faudrait voir le code de la méthode pour savoir si c’est possiblement impactant ou non.
Novembre 22, 2024, 11:06
Bonjour @Alan328
L’erreur étant assez parlante, j’ai donc modifié la définition de la fonction get dans GCE_IPX800V5.class.php, en ajoutant static sur la ligne 643
public static function get($url, $opt) {
Comme l’appel à get() se fait dans la fonction pull en utilisant un appel statique
$cache[$GCE_IPX800V5->getConfiguration(‹ ip ›)][« io »] = GCE_IPX800V5::get($urlGet, 1);
$cache[$GCE_IPX800V5->getConfiguration(‹ ip ›)][« ana »] = GCE_IPX800V5::get($urlGet, 1);
L’idée d’ajouter static semble être la bonne !
Le code est ci-dessous si tu t’y connais en php tu peux confirmer…
* Includes
* Constante
* Preset Tab
* Preset Tab IPX
* Preset Tab OBJ
* Preset Tab EXT
* Type Data Tab
* Type Data IPX
* Type Data OBJ
* Pwatch
* Thermostat
* Counter
* Type Data EXT
* X4VR
* X4FP
* X010V
* X200
* X24D
* X8D
* X8R
* X400
* Type Data VAR
* Name: event
* Name: pull
* Name: presetCmd_IPX
* Name: presetCmd_EXT
* Name: clearCmd
* Name: postSave
* Name: getIPX
* Name: get
* Name: put
* Command Execute
* Refresh
* Command Param
* IO Command
* Ana Command
/* * *************************** Includes ********************************* */
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../../core/php/';
class GCE_IPX800V5 extends eqLogic {
/* Preset Tab */
/* Preset Tab IPX */
const PRESET_IPX = array('R_cmd', 'R_state', 'Din_state', 'Ain', 'Oout_cmd', 'Cin_cmd', 'Cin_state');
/* Preset Tab IPX v4 */
const PRESET_IPXV4 = array('V4_R_cmd', 'V4_R_state', 'V4_Din_state', 'V4_Ain_state');
/* Preset Tab OBJ */
const PRESET_OBJ = array(
'Pwatch' => array('Ping Watchdog' , 32, 1, 0, ''),
'Thermo' => array('Thermostat' , 16, 1, 0, ''),
'Count' => array('Counter' , 64, 1, 0, '')
/* Preset Tab EXT */
const PRESET_EXT = array(
'X4VR' => array('X4VR' , 8, 4, 0, 'Canal'),
'X4FP' => array('X4FP' , 4, 4, 1, 'Canal'),
'X010V' => array('X010V' , 4, 4, 1, 'Canal'),
'X200' => array('X200' , 2, 1, 0, ''),
'X24D' => array('X24D' , 4, 24, 0, 'R'),
'X8D' => array('X8D' , 4, 8, 0, 'R'),
'X8R' => array('X8R' , 10, 8, 0, 'R'),
'XDIMMER' => array('XDIMMER' , 6, 4, 1, 'Canal'),
'XPWM' => array('XPWM' , 2, 12, 0, 'Canal'),
'XTHL' => array('XTHL' , 16, 1, 0, ''),
'X400' => array('X400' , 4, 4, 0, 'Canal')
//'XDMX' => array('XDMX' , 64, 8, 0, 'Canal')
/* Type Data Tab */
/* Cmd_name Cmd_display Nb_Instance_Max Type SubType Obj Api Key_Name Key_Name_id Cmd_Type */
/* Type Data IPX*/
const TYPE_DATA_IPX = array(
'R_cmd' => array('Relays Command', 8, 'action', 'other', 'R', '/api/system/ipx', 'ioRelays', 'ioRelays_id', 'IO'),
'R_state' => array('Relays State', 8, 'info', 'binary', 'R', '/api/system/ipx', 'ioRelayState', 'ioRelayState_id', 'IO'),
'Din_state' => array('Digital input', 8, 'info', 'binary', "Din", '/api/system/ipx', 'ioDInput', 'ioDInput_id', 'IO'),
'Ain' => array('Analog input', 4, 'info', 'numeric', "Ain", '/api/system/ipx', 'ana_IPX_Input', 'ana_IPX_Input', 'Ana'),
'Oout_cmd' => array('Sortie Optoisolé State', 4, 'info', 'binary', "Cout", '/api/system/ipx', 'ioCollInput', 'ioCollInput_id', 'IO'),
'Cin_cmd' => array('Open collecteur Command', 4, 'action', 'other', "Cin", '/api/system/ipx', 'ioCollOutput', 'ioCollOutput_id', 'IO'),
'Cin_state' => array('Open collecteur State', 4, 'info', 'binary', "Cin", '/api/system/ipx', 'ioCollOutputState', 'ioCollOutputState_id', 'IO')
/* Type Data IPX800 V4 */
const TYPE_DATA_IPXV4 = array(
'V4_R_cmd' => array('V4 Relay command', 8, 'action', 'other', "IPX800V4", '/api/plugin/ipx800v4', '', 'ioRelays_id', 'IO'),
'V4_R_state' => array('V4 Relay state', 8, 'info', 'binary', "IPX800V4", '/api/plugin/ipx800v4', '', 'ioRelays_id', 'IO'),
'V4_Din_state' => array('V4 Digital input', 8, 'info', 'binary', "IPX800V4", '/api/plugin/ipx800v4', '', 'ioDInput_id', 'IO'),
'V4_Ain_state' => array('V4 Analog input', 4, 'info', 'numeric', "IPX800V4", '/api/plugin/ipx800v4', '', 'anaInput_id', 'Ana')
/* Type Data OBJ */
/* Cmd_name Cmd_display Nb_Instance_Max Type SubType Obj Api Key_Name_All Key_Name Cmd_Type Nb_Canal*/
const TYPE_DATA_OBJ = array(
/* Pwatch */
'Pwatch_cmd' => array('Ping Watchdog command', 32, 'action', 'other', "Pwatch", '/api/object/pingwd', '', 'ioInput_id', 'IO', 1),
'Pwatch_state' => array('Ping Watchdog state', 32, 'info', 'binary', "Pwatch", '/api/object/pingwd', '', 'ioFault_id', 'IO', 1),
/* Thermostat */
'Thermo_state' => array('Thermostat state', 16, 'info', 'binary', "Thermo", '/api/object/thermostat', '', 'ioOutput_id', 'IO', 1),
'Thermo_cmd' => array('Thermostat command', 16, 'action', 'other', "Thermo", '/api/object/thermostat', '', 'ioOnOff_id', 'IO', 1),
'Thermo_com' => array('Thermostat Comfort', 16, 'action', 'other', "Thermo", '/api/object/thermostat', '', 'ioComfort_id', 'IO', 1),
'Thermo_eco' => array('Thermostat Eco', 16, 'action', 'other', "Thermo", '/api/object/thermostat', '', 'ioEco_id', 'IO', 1),
'Thermo_fre' => array('Thermostat Anti Freeze', 16, 'action', 'other', "Thermo", '/api/object/thermostat', '', 'ioNoFrost_id', 'IO', 1),
'Thermo_set' => array('Thermostat Set command', 16, 'action', 'slider', "Thermo", '/api/object/thermostat', '', 'anaCurrSetPoint_id', 'Ana', 1),
'Thermo_mea' => array('Thermostat Measure', 16, 'info', 'numeric', "Thermo", '/api/object/thermostat', '', 'anaMeasure_id', 'Ana', 1),
'Thermo_fau' => array('Thermostat Fault', 16, 'info', 'binary', "Thermo", '/api/object/thermostat', '', 'ioFault_id', 'IO', 1),
/* Counter */
'Count_add' => array('Counter Plus', 64, 'action', 'other', "Count", '/api/object/counter', '', 'ioAdd_id', 'IO', 1),
'Count_sub' => array('Counter Minus', 64, 'action', 'other', "Count", '/api/object/counter', '', 'ioSub_id', 'IO', 1),
'Count_set_cmd' => array('Counter Set', 64, 'action', 'other', "Count", '/api/object/counter', '', 'ioSet_id', 'IO', 1),
'Count_reset' => array('Counter Reset', 64, 'action', 'other', "Count", '/api/object/counter', '', 'ioReset_id', 'IO', 1),
'Count_pace' => array('Counter Pace', 64, 'action', 'slider', "Count", '/api/object/counter', '', 'anaPulseValue_id', 'Ana', 1),
'Count_set_ana' => array('Counter Set Analog', 64, 'action', 'slider', "Count", '/api/object/counter', '', 'anaSetValue_id', 'Ana', 1),
'Count_ana_state' => array('Counter Analog State', 64, 'info', 'numeric', "Count", '/api/object/counter', '', 'anaOut_id', 'Ana', 1)
/* Type Data EXT */
/* Cmd_name Cmd_display Nb_Instance_Max Type SubType Obj Api Key_Name_All Key_Name Cmd_Type Nb_Canal*/
const TYPE_DATA_EXT = array(
/* X4VR */
'X4vr_up' => array('X4vr Up command', 8, 'action', 'other', "X4VR", '/api/ebx/x4vr', '', 'ioCommandUp_id', 'IO', 4),
'X4vr_down' => array('X4vr Down command', 8, 'action', 'other', "X4VR", '/api/ebx/x4vr', '', 'ioCommandDown_id', 'IO', 4),
'X4vr_stop' => array('X4vr Stop Command', 8, 'action', 'other', "X4VR", '/api/ebx/x4vr', '', 'ioCommandStop_id', 'IO', 4),
'X4vr_B_up' => array('X4vr BSO_Up command', 8, 'action', 'other', "X4VR", '/api/ebx/x4vr', '', 'ioCommandBsoUp_id', 'IO', 4),
'X4vr_B_down' => array('X4vr BSO_Down command', 8, 'action', 'other', "X4VR", '/api/ebx/x4vr', '', 'ioCommandBsoDown_id', 'IO', 4),
'X4vr_a_cmd' => array('X4vr Ana command', 8, 'action', 'slider', "X4VR", '/api/ebx/x4vr', '', 'anaCommand_id', 'Ana', 4),
'X4vr_a_state' => array('X4vr Ana state', 8, 'info', 'numeric', "X4VR", '/api/ebx/x4vr', '', 'anaPosition_id', 'Ana', 4),
/* X4FP */
'X4fp_com' => array('X4fp Comfort command', 4, 'action', 'other', "X4FP", '/api/ebx/x4fp', 'ioAllComfort_id', 'ioComfort_id', 'IO', 4),
'X4fp_eco' => array('X4fp Eco command', 4, 'action', 'other', "X4FP", '/api/ebx/x4fp', 'ioAllEco_id', 'ioEco_id', 'IO', 4),
'X4fp_fre' => array('X4fp AntiFreeze Command', 4, 'action', 'other', "X4FP", '/api/ebx/x4fp', 'ioAllAntiFreeze_id', 'ioAntiFreeze_id', 'IO', 4),
'X4fp_com1' => array('X4fp Comfort1 command', 4, 'action', 'other', "X4FP", '/api/ebx/x4fp', 'ioAllStop_id', 'ioComfort_1_id', 'IO', 4),
'X4fp_com2' => array('X4fp Comfort2 Command', 4, 'action', 'other', "X4FP", '/api/ebx/x4fp', 'ioAllComfort_1_id', 'ioComfort_2_id', 'IO', 4),
'X4fp_stop' => array('X4fp stop command', 4, 'action', 'other', "X4FP", '/api/ebx/x4fp', 'ioAllComfort_2_id', 'ioStop_id', 'IO', 4),
/* X010V */
'X010v_on' => array('X010v on', 4, 'action', 'other', "X010V", '/api/ebx/x010v', 'ioOnAll_id', 'ioOn_id', 'IO', 4),
'X010v_a_cmd' => array('X010v Analog command', 4, 'action', 'slider', "X010V", '/api/ebx/x010v', '', 'anaCommand_id', 'Ana', 4),
'X010v_a_state' => array('X010v Analog State', 4, 'info', 'numeric', "X010V", '/api/ebx/x010v', '', 'anaLevel_id', 'Ana', 4),
/* X200 */
'X200_ph' => array('X200 PH State', 2, 'info', 'numeric', "X200", '/api/ebx/x200', '', 'anaPhVal_id', 'Ana', 1),
'X200_orp' => array('X200 ORP State', 2, 'info', 'numeric', "X200", '/api/ebx/x200', '', 'anaOrpVal_id', 'Ana', 1),
/* X24D */
'X24D_in' => array('X24D relay State', 4, 'info', 'binary', "X24D", '/api/ebx/x24d', '', 'ioInput_id', 'IO', 24),
/* X8D */
'X8D_in' => array('X8D relay State', 4, 'info', 'binary', "X8D", '/api/ebx/x8d', '', 'ioInput_id', 'IO', 8),
/* X8R */
'X8R_out_cmd' => array('X8R relay Command', 10, 'action', 'other', "X8R", '/api/ebx/x8r', '', 'ioOutput_id', 'IO', 8),
'X8R_out_state' => array('X8R relay State', 10, 'info', 'binary', "X8R", '/api/ebx/x8r', '', 'ioOutputState_id', 'IO', 8),
'X8R_long_state' => array('X8R Long push State', 10, 'info', 'binary', "X8R", '/api/ebx/x8r', '', 'ioLongPush_id', 'IO', 8),
'XDIMMER_on_cmd' => array('XDIMMER relay Command', 6, 'action', 'other', "XDIMMER", '/api/ebx/xdimmer', 'ioOnAll_id', 'ioOn_id', 'IO', 4),
'XDIMMER_on_state' => array('XDIMMER relay State', 6, 'info', 'binary', "XDIMMER", '/api/ebx/xdimmer', 'ioOnAll_id', 'ioOn_id', 'IO', 4),
'XDIMMER_a_cmd' => array('XDIMMER Analog Command', 6, 'action', 'slider', "XDIMMER", '/api/ebx/xdimmer', '', 'anaCommand_id', 'Ana', 4),
'XDIMMER_a_state' => array('XDIMMER Analog State', 6, 'info', 'numeric', "XDIMMER", '/api/ebx/xdimmer', '', 'anaPosition_id', 'Ana', 4),
'XDIMMER_speed' => array('XDIMMER Speed Transition', 6, 'action', 'slider', "XDIMMER", '/api/ebx/xdimmer', '', 'anaSpeedTransition_id', 'Ana', 1),
'XDMX_cmd' => array('XDMX Command', 64, 'action', 'slider', "XDMX", '/api/ext/xdmx', '', 'anaInputCommand_id', 'Ana', 8),
'XDMX_speed' => array('XDMX Speed Transition', 64, 'action', 'slider', "XDMX", '/api/ext/xdmx', '', 'anaSpeedTrans_id', 'Ana', 8),
/* XPWM */
'XPWM_cmd' => array('XPWM Command', 2, 'action', 'slider', "XPWM", '/api/ebx/xpwm', '', 'anaCommand_id', 'Ana', 12),
'XPWM_speed' => array('XPWM Speed Transition', 2, 'action', 'slider', "XPWM", '/api/ebx/xpwm', '', 'anaSpeedTransition_id', 'Ana', 1),
/* XTHL */
'XTHL_temp' => array('XTHL Temperature', 16, 'info', 'numeric', "XTHL", '/api/ebx/xthl', '', 'anaTemp_id', 'Ana', 1),
'XTHL_hum' => array('XTHL Humidity', 16, 'info', 'numeric', "XTHL", '/api/ebx/xthl', '', 'anaHum_id', 'Ana', 1),
'XTHL_lum' => array('XTHL Luminosite', 16, 'info', 'numeric', "XTHL", '/api/ebx/xthl', '', 'anaLum_id', 'Ana', 1),
/* X400 */
'X400_state' => array('X400 State', 4, 'info', 'numeric', "X400", '/api/ebx/x400', '', 'anaOutputVal_id', 'Ana', 4)
/* Type Data VAR */
const TYPE_DATA_VAR = array(
'IO_cmd' => array('Analog value Command', 0, 'action', 'other', "IO", '/api/core/io', '', '', 'IO'),
'IO_state' => array('Analog value State', 0, 'info', 'binary', "IO", '/api/core/io', '', '', 'IO'),
'Ana_cmd' => array('Analog value Command', 0, 'action', 'other', "Ana", '/api/core/ana', '', '', 'Ana'),
'Ana_state' => array('Analog value State', 0, 'info', 'numeric', "Ana", '/api/core/ana', '', '', 'Ana')
const DATA_UNITAIRE_REGEX = '/^([A-Z]+)(\d{1,3})$/';
private static $_eqLogics = null;
* Name: event
* Descr: Init value
public static function event() {
if (init('onvent') == 1) { //D'origine dans la classe
$cache = array();
foreach (self::searchConfiguration('"ip":"' . init('ip') . '"', 'GCE_IPX800V5') as $GCE_IPX800V5) {
if (!isset($cache[$GCE_IPX800V5->getConfiguration('ip')])) {
$cache[$GCE_IPX800V5->getConfiguration('ip')] = $GCE_IPX800V5->getIPX();
GCE_IPX800V5::pull($GCE_IPX800V5->getId(), $cache);
$cmd = GCE_IPX800V5Cmd::byId(init('id'));
if (!is_object($cmd) || $cmd->getEqType() != 'GCE_IPX800V5') {
throw new Exception(__('Commande ID GCE_IPX800V5 inconnue, ou la commande n\'est pas de type GCE_IPX800V5 : ', __FILE__) . init('id').', Valeur: '.init('value'));
public static function deamon_info() {
$return = array();
$return['log'] = '';
$return['state'] = 'nok';
$cron = cron::byClassAndFunction('GCE_IPX800V5', 'pull');
if (is_object($cron) && $cron->running()) {
$return['state'] = 'ok';
$return['launchable'] = 'ok';
return $return;
public static function deamon_start() {
$deamon_info = self::deamon_info();
if ($deamon_info['launchable'] != 'ok') {
throw new Exception(__('Veuillez vérifier la configuration', __FILE__));
$cron = cron::byClassAndFunction('GCE_IPX800V5', 'pull');
if (!is_object($cron)) {
throw new Exception(__('Tâche cron introuvable', __FILE__));
$cron->setDeamonSleepTime(config::byKey('api::frequency', 'GCE_IPX800V5', 1));
public static function deamon_stop() {
$cron = cron::byClassAndFunction('GCE_IPX800V5', 'pull');
if (!is_object($cron)) {
throw new Exception(__('Tâche cron introuvable', __FILE__));
public static function deamon_changeAutoMode($_mode) {
$cron = cron::byClassAndFunction('GCE_IPX800V5', 'pull');
if (!is_object($cron)) {
throw new Exception(__('Tâche cron introuvable', __FILE__));
public static function cronDaily() {
* Name: pull
* Descr: polling on Ipx
public static function pull($_eqLogic_id = null) {
if (self::$_eqLogics == null) {
self::$_eqLogics = self::byType('GCE_IPX800V5',true);
/*self::$_eqLogics = array(self::byId($_eqLogic_id));*/
self::$_eqLogics = self::byType('GCE_IPX800V5',true);
$cache = array();
foreach (self::$_eqLogics as $GCE_IPX800V5) {
foreach($GCE_IPX800V5->getCmd('info') as $cmd){
$arg = ($cmd->getConfiguration('infoType')) ? $cmd->getConfiguration('infoType') : $cmd->getConfiguration('actionArgument');
$id = $cmd->getConfiguration('infoParameter'.$arg);
if($id == ''){
case 'IO':
if (!isset($cache[$GCE_IPX800V5->getConfiguration('ip')]["io"])) {
$urlGet = 'http://' . $GCE_IPX800V5->getConfiguration('ip') . '/api/core/io?ApiKey=' . $GCE_IPX800V5->getConfiguration('apikey');
$cache[$GCE_IPX800V5->getConfiguration('ip')]["io"] = GCE_IPX800V5::get($urlGet, 1);
foreach($cache[$GCE_IPX800V5->getConfiguration('ip')]["io"] as $io){
if ($id == $io["_id"]) {
$GCE_IPX800V5->checkAndUpdateCmd($cmd, $io["on"], false);
case 'Ana':
if (!isset($cache[$GCE_IPX800V5->getConfiguration('ip')]["ana"])) {
$urlGet = 'http://' . $GCE_IPX800V5->getConfiguration('ip') . '/api/core/ana?ApiKey=' . $GCE_IPX800V5->getConfiguration('apikey');
$cache[$GCE_IPX800V5->getConfiguration('ip')]["ana"] = GCE_IPX800V5::get($urlGet, 1);
foreach($cache[$GCE_IPX800V5->getConfiguration('ip')]["ana"] as $ana){
if ($id == $ana["_id"]) {
$GCE_IPX800V5->checkAndUpdateCmd($cmd, $ana["value"], false);
* Name: presetCmd_IPX
* Descr: create or delete command from the table config
public function presetCmd_IPX($name, $nb, $type, $subType, $action, $api, $key, $key_id, $cmdType) {
if ($this->getConfiguration($name) == 1) {
$urlGet = 'http://' . $this->getConfiguration('ip') . $api.'?ApiKey=' . $this->getConfiguration('apikey');
$obj = $this->get($urlGet, 0);
for ($i=1; $i <= $nb; $i++) {
$id = $obj[$key_id][$i - 1];
if ($id) {
if ($cmdType == "IO") {
$urlGet = 'http://' . $this->getConfiguration('ip') .'/api/core/io/'. $id . '?ApiKey=' . $this->getConfiguration('apikey');
} else {
$urlGet = 'http://' . $this->getConfiguration('ip') .'/api/core/ana/'. $id . '?ApiKey=' . $this->getConfiguration('apikey');
$dispName = $this->get($urlGet, 0)["name"];
$cmd = $this->getCmd(null, $name.'_'.$i);
if (!is_object($cmd)) {
$cmd = new GCE_IPX800V5Cmd();
$cmd->setName(__($dispName.'_'.$i, __FILE__));
$cmd->setConfiguration('actionArgument', $cmdType);
if ($type == "action") {
$cmd->setConfiguration('actionParameter'.$cmdType , $id);
} else {
$cmd->setConfiguration('infoType', $cmdType);
$cmd->setConfiguration('infoParameter'.$cmdType , $id);
} else {
$cmd = $this->getCmd(null, $name.'_'.$i);
if (is_object($cmd)) $cmd->remove();
} else {
for ($i=1; $i <= $nb; $i++) {
$cmd = $this->getCmd(null, $name.'_'.$i);
if (is_object($cmd)) $cmd->remove();
* Name: presetCmd_IPX
* Descr: create or delete command from the table config
public function presetCmd_IPXV4($name, $nb, $type, $subType, $action, $api, $key, $key_id, $cmdType) {
for ($i=0; $i < 4; $i++) {
if ($this->getConfiguration("V4".$i) == 1) {
$urlGet = 'http://' . $this->getConfiguration('ip') . $api.'?ApiKey=' . $this->getConfiguration('apikey');
$obj = $this->get($urlGet, 0);
if ($this->getConfiguration("V4".$i.$name) == 1) {
for ($j=1; $j <= $nb; $j++) {
$id = $obj[$i][$key_id][$j - 1];
if ($id) {
if ($cmdType == "IO") {
$urlGet = 'http://' . $this->getConfiguration('ip') .'/api/core/io/'. $id . '?ApiKey=' . $this->getConfiguration('apikey');
} else {
$urlGet = 'http://' . $this->getConfiguration('ip') .'/api/core/ana/'. $id . '?ApiKey=' . $this->getConfiguration('apikey');
$dispName = $this->get($urlGet, 0)["name"];
if ($type == "info") { $dispName .= "_state"; }
$cmd = $this->getCmd(null, $name.'_'.$i.'_'.$j);
if (!is_object($cmd)) {
$cmd = new GCE_IPX800V5Cmd();
$cmd->setName(__($dispName.'_'.$i.'_'.$j, __FILE__));
$cmd->setConfiguration('actionArgument', $cmdType);
if ($type == "action") {
$cmd->setConfiguration('actionParameter'.$cmdType , $id);
} else {
$cmd->setConfiguration('infoType', $cmdType);
$cmd->setConfiguration('infoParameter'.$cmdType , $id);
} else {
$cmd = $this->getCmd(null, $name.'_'.$i.'_'.$j);
if (is_object($cmd)) $cmd->remove();
} else {
for ($j=1; $j <= $nb; $j++) {
$cmd = $this->getCmd(null, $name.'_'.$i.'_'.$j);
if (is_object($cmd)) $cmd->remove();
} else {
for ($j=1; $j <= $nb; $j++) {
$cmd = $this->getCmd(null, $name.'_'.$i.'_'.$j);
if (is_object($cmd)) $cmd->remove();
* Name: presetCmd_EXT
* Descr: create or delete command from the table config
public function presetCmd_EXT($name, $nb, $type, $subType, $action, $api, $key_All, $key_id, $cmdType, $canal) {
if ($this->getConfiguration($action) == 1) {
$urlGet = 'http://' . $this->getConfiguration('ip') . $api.'?ApiKey=' . $this->getConfiguration('apikey');
$obj = $this->get($urlGet, 0);
for ($i=0; $i < $nb; $i++) { //pour chaque instance de l'extension
if ($this->getConfiguration($action . $i) == 1) { //si elle est sélectionner
for ($j=0; $j < $canal; $j++) { //pour chaque canaux de l'extension
if ($this->getConfiguration('Canal' . $action . $i . '_' . $j) == 1 || $canal == 1) { //si le canal est selectionné
if ($canal > 1) $id = $obj[$i][$key_id][$j];
else $id = $obj[$i][$key_id];
if ($id) {
if ($cmdType == "IO") {
$urlGet = 'http://' . $this->getConfiguration('ip') .'/api/core/io/'. $id . '?ApiKey=' . $this->getConfiguration('apikey');
} else {
$urlGet = 'http://' . $this->getConfiguration('ip') .'/api/core/ana/'. $id . '?ApiKey=' . $this->getConfiguration('apikey');
$dispName = $this->get($urlGet, 0)["name"];
if ($type == "info") { $dispName .= "_state"; }
$cmd = $this->getCmd(null, $name . $i.'_'.$j);
if (!is_object($cmd)) {
$cmd = new GCE_IPX800V5Cmd();
$cmd->setName(__($dispName.'_'.$j, __FILE__));
$cmd->setLogicalId($name . $i.'_'.$j);
$cmd->setConfiguration('actionArgument', $cmdType);
if ($type == "action") {
if ($cmdType == "IO") $cmd->setConfiguration('actionTypeCmd'.$cmdType , "toggle");
$cmd->setConfiguration('actionParameter'.$cmdType , $id);
} else {
$cmd->setConfiguration('infoType', $cmdType);
$cmd->setConfiguration('infoParameter'.$cmdType , $id);
} else {
$this->clearCmd($name, $i, $j);
} else {
$this->clearCmd($name, $i, $j);
if ($this->getConfiguration('Canal' . $action . $i . '_All') == 1 && $key_All != '') {
$id = $obj[$i][$key_All];
if ($id) {
if ($cmdType == "IO") {
$urlGet = 'http://' . $this->getConfiguration('ip') .'/api/core/io/'. $id . '?ApiKey=' . $this->getConfiguration('apikey');
} else {
$urlGet = 'http://' . $this->getConfiguration('ip') .'/api/core/ana/'. $id . '?ApiKey=' . $this->getConfiguration('apikey');
$dispName = $this->get($urlGet, 0)["name"];
if ($type == "info") { $dispName .= "_state"; }
$cmd = $this->getCmd(null, $name . $i.'_All');
if (!is_object($cmd)) {
$cmd = new GCE_IPX800V5Cmd();
$cmd->setName(__($dispName.'_All', __FILE__));
$cmd->setLogicalId($name . $i.'_All');
$cmd->setConfiguration('actionArgument', $cmdType);
if ($type == "action") {
if ($cmdType == "IO") $cmd->setConfiguration('actionTypeCmd'.$cmdType , "toggle");
$cmd->setConfiguration('actionParameter'.$cmdType , $id);
} else {
$cmd->setConfiguration('infoType', $cmdType);
$cmd->setConfiguration('infoParameter'.$cmdType , $id);
} else {
$this->clearCmd($name, $i, -2);
} else {
$this->clearCmd($name, $i, -2);
} else {
for ($j=0; $j < $canal; $j++) {
$this->clearCmd($name, $i, $j);
$this->clearCmd($name, $i, -2);
} else {
for ($i=0; $i < $nb; $i++) {
for ($j=0; $j < $canal; $j++) {
$this->clearCmd($name, $i, $j);
$this->clearCmd($name, $i, -2);
* Name: clearCmd
* Descr: delete command
public function clearCmd($name, $nb, $canal) {
if ($canal >= 0) {
$cmd = $this->getCmd(null, $name. $nb .'_'.$canal);
if (is_object($cmd)) $cmd->remove();
} else if ($canal == -2){
$cmd = $this->getCmd(null, $name. $nb .'_All');
if (is_object($cmd)) $cmd->remove();
} else {
$cmd = $this->getCmd(null, $name.'_'.$nb);
if (is_object($cmd)) $cmd->remove();
* Name: postSave
* Descr: launch the presetCmd functions
public function postSave() {
$refresh = $this->getCmd(null, 'refresh');
if (!is_object($refresh)) {
$refresh = new GCE_IPX800V5Cmd();
$refresh->setName(__('Rafraîchir', __FILE__));
foreach (GCE_IPX800V5::TYPE_DATA_IPX as $key => $value) {
$this->presetCmd_IPX($key, $value[1], $value[2], $value[3], $value[4], $value[5], $value[6], $value[7], $value[8]);
foreach (GCE_IPX800V5::TYPE_DATA_IPXV4 as $key => $value) {
$this->presetCmd_IPXV4($key, $value[1], $value[2], $value[3], $value[4], $value[5], $value[6], $value[7], $value[8]);
foreach (GCE_IPX800V5::TYPE_DATA_EXT as $key => $value) {
$this->presetCmd_EXT($key, $value[1], $value[2], $value[3], $value[4], $value[5], $value[6], $value[7], $value[8], $value[9]);
foreach (GCE_IPX800V5::TYPE_DATA_OBJ as $key => $value) {
$this->presetCmd_EXT($key, $value[1], $value[2], $value[3], $value[4], $value[5], $value[6], $value[7], $value[8], $value[9]);
* Name: getIPX
* Descr: get on api system ipx
public function getIPX($opt = null) {
$return = array();
$url = 'http://' . $this->getConfiguration('ip') . '/api/system/ipx?ApiKey=' . $this->getConfiguration('apikey');
if ($opt != 1) $url .= '&option=filter_id';
$request_http = new com_http($url);
try {
$return = array_merge($return, is_json($request_http->exec(), array()));
} catch (Exception $e) {}
return $return;
* Name: get
* Descr: get on url
* Arg: opt = 1 set the query option=filter_id
public function get($url, $opt) {
$return = array();
if ($opt != 1) $url .= '&option=filter_id';
$request_http = new com_http($url);
try {
$return = array_merge($return, is_json($request_http->exec(), array()));
} catch (Exception $e) {}
//log::add('GCE_IPX800V5', 'debug', $url . ' GET : ' . json_encode($return));
return $return;
* Name: put
* Descr: put on url with body = data
public function put($url, $data) {
$curl = curl_init($url);
$headers = array(
"X-CSRFToken:". $csrfToken,
"Referer: http://".$this->getConfiguration('ip'),
"Content-Type: application/json"
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST , "PUT");
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);
$resp = curl_exec($curl);
//log::add('GCE_IPX800V5', 'debug', $url . ' PUT : ' . json_encode($resp));
return $resp;
class GCE_IPX800V5Cmd extends cmd {
/* Command Execute */
public function execute($_options = array()) {
$eqLogic = $this->getEqLogic();
/* Refresh */
if ($this->getLogicalId() == 'refresh') {
/* Command Param */
$act = $this->getConfiguration('actionArgument');
$id = $this->getConfiguration('actionParameter'.$act);
$subType = $this->getSubType();
/* IO Command */
if ($act == "IO") { //si c est un IO Cmd
$actCmd = $this->getConfiguration('actionTypeCmd'.$act);
switch ($actCmd) {
case 'toggle': $req = json_encode(array('toggle' => true)); break;
case 'setOn': $req = json_encode(array('on' => true)); break;
case 'setOff': $req = json_encode(array('on' => false)); break;
$urlPut = 'http://' . $eqLogic->getConfiguration('ip') . '/api/core/io/'.$id.'?ApiKey=' . $eqLogic->getConfiguration('apikey');
$request_http = $eqLogic->put($urlPut, $req);
/* Ana Command */
if ($act == "Ana") { //si c est un ana Cmd
$urlPut = 'http://' . $eqLogic->getConfiguration('ip') . '/api/core/ana/'.$id.'?ApiKey=' . $eqLogic->getConfiguration('apikey');
/* BODY Ana Command */
if ($subType == "other") {
$body = json_encode(array('value' => intval($this->getConfiguration('actionOption'.$act))));
} else if ($subType == "slider") {
$body = json_encode(array('value' => intval($_options["slider"])));
$request_http = $eqLogic->put($urlPut, $body);
/* * **********************Getteur Setteur*************************** */